V sredo, 8. 11., smo imeli spletni seminar o UI in ChatGPT. Ker smo izpustili eno od ključnih točk predavanja, in sicer »praktične primere uporabe UI in ChatGPT v razredu, vključno z ustvarjanjem nalog«, vam želimo ponuditi dodatne informacije v obliki koristne literature. (Za prevod člankov lahko uporabite prevajalnik deepl.)
V začetku leta je bila v Evropskem digitalnem izobraževalnem središču ustanovljena ekipa »AI in Education«, kjer so v ožji ekipi ‘AI Squad’ intenzivno razpravljali o različnih vidikih uporabe UI in njenega vpliva na izobraževanje. Končne rešitve razprav je Evropsko digitalno izobraževalno središče objavilo v obliki sedmih informativnih poročil.
V nadaljevanju vam predstavljamo članka, ki sta lahko koristna v kontekstu uporabe ChatGPT v izobraževanju. V članku z naslovom Examining Science Education in ChatGPT: An Exploratory Study of Generative Artificial Intelligence, objavljenem v Journal of Science Education and Technology, je avtor Grant Cooper raziskal možnosti uporabe ChatGPT v izobraževanju. Članek je prosto dostopen in vsebuje več primerov možnih uporab s kritičnim ovrednotenjem.
Spodaj je priložen zanimiv primer, kjer je ChatGPT sestavil učno uro na temo obnovljivih virov energije po modelu 5E (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate).
Avtor izpostavi, da je načrt učne ure sicer osnovan na socialnokonstruktivistični pedagogiki, vendar pa bi lahko služila kot osnutek, ki bi ga z nekaj spremembami lahko predelali v dobro izdelan načrt. Avtor je presodil, da bi bila tovrstna uporaba koristna za učitelje in učiteljice na začetku poklicne poti.
Omembe vredna je tudi druga relevantna raziskava Ahmeda Tlilija in drugih avtoric in avtorjev z naslovom naslovom What if the devil is my guardian angel: ChatGPT as a case study of using chatbots in education. V prosto dostopnem članku avtorice in avtorji povzamejo izkušnje devetnajstih učiteljic in učiteljev, ki so pri svojem delu uporabljali ChatGPT in o tem govorili v intervjujih. Prav tako so bile v raziskavo vključene še tri učiteljice in učitelji, ki so ChatGPT pri svojem delu intenzivno uporabljali en teden in o svojih izkušnjah vsakodnevno poročali. Poudarek je na njihovih opazkah in mnenjih, kar vam lahko ponudi dodaten vpogled v praktično uporabo te tehnologije.
V obeh raziskavah zaključujejo, da je ChatGPT lahko koristno orodje pri poučevanju, vendar pa poudarjajo, da naj učiteljice in učitelji kritično presodijo predloge tega programa, saj bodo le tako lahko zagotovili, da so vsebine res kakovostne.
[ChatGPT Prompt 4]: Create a Teaching Unit Using the 5Es Model that Is Challenging for Students Who Have a Strong Understanding of Renewable and Non-renewable Energy Sources at a Year 7 Level. Also Provide Support and Scaffolding for Students Who Are Struggling with the Material
- Begin the unit by posing a real-world problem related to energy sources such as “How can we ensure a sustainable future for our community?”
- Show a video or pictures of a community facing energy challenges, such as a power outage during a heatwave, or an oil spill
- Encourage students to brainstorm and share their prior knowledge about energy sources
- Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a different renewable or non-renewable energy source to research.
- Provide students with a set of guiding questions to help them focus their research. (e.g. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this energy source? How is it produced? What are the environmental impacts?)
- Give students time to conduct their research and gather information.
- Students can use a variety of resources such as books, articles, videos, and websites to research their topic.
- Provide additional support and resources for students who are struggling with the material, such as providing a more simplified version of the guiding questions or offering extra time for research.
- Have each group present their findings to the class, using visual aids and hands-on activities to help explain the concepts
- Encourage class discussion and questions
- Provide additional support and resources for students who are struggling with the material, such as providing a graphic organiser or a template for the presentation
- Students will work in groups again to create a proposal for a sustainable energy plan for their community.
- Provide a list of criteria that their plan must meet such as cost-effectiveness, environmental impact, and reliability.
- Provide additional support and resources for students who are struggling with the material, such as providing a sample proposal or a step-by-step guide to creating the plan.
- Have students self-assess their understanding and participation in the unit using a rubric
- Have students peer-assess the presentations and plans of other groups
- Have the teacher provide feedback and grades on the final plan.
- Finalise the unit with a class debate about which energy source is the best for the community
This teaching unit allows students to actively engage in the learning process, explore and research the subject, explain their findings, elaborate a plan, evaluate their understanding and participation and debate about the best energy source for the community. The unit provides support and scaffolding for students who are struggling with the material, while also challenging students who have a strong understanding of the topic to think critically and apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios.
Kategorija:Novice za mentorje